
Z3X Box Samsung Tool 18.3

Samsung Tool 18.3

Support and add models :
- support SM-N910A (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-N910F (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-N910G (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-N910P (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT,Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-N910R4 (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-N910T (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-N910W8 (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)

- support SM-N910K (Flashing, direct unlock, Read/Write CERT/EFS, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-N910L (Flashing, direct unlock, Read/Write CERT/EFS, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-N910S (Flashing, direct unlock, Read/Write CERT/EFS, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-N910U (Flashing, direct unlock, Read/Write CERT/EFS, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)

- support SM-G110B (Flashing, direct unlock, Read/Write CERT/EFS, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G110H (Flashing, direct unlock, Read/Write CERT/EFS, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G110M (Flashing, direct unlock, Read/Write CERT/EFS, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)

- support SM-C111 (Flashing, direct unlock, Read/Write CERT/EFS, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-C1116 (Flashing, direct unlock, Read/Write CERT/EFS, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-C111M (Flashing, direct unlock, Read/Write CERT/EFS, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-C115 (Flashing, direct unlock, Read/Write CERT/EFS, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-C115L (Flashing, direct unlock, Read/Write CERT/EFS, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-C115M (Flashing, direct unlock, Read/Write CERT/EFS, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-C115W (Flashing, direct unlock, Read/Write CERT/EFS, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)

- support SM-G850F (Flashing, direct unlock, Read/Write CERT/EFS, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G850FQ (Flashing, direct unlock, Read/Write CERT/EFS, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G850K (Flashing, direct unlock, Read/Write CERT/EFS, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G850L (Flashing, direct unlock, Read/Write CERT/EFS, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G850M (Flashing, direct unlock, Read/Write CERT/EFS, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G850S (Flashing, direct unlock, Read/Write CERT/EFS, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G850W (Flashing, direct unlock, Read/Write CERT/EFS, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G850Y(Flashing, direct unlock, Read/Write CERT/EFS, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)

- support SM-G860P (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G9006V (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G9006W (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G9008V (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G9008W (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G9009D (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G9009W (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G900A (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G900AZ (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G900F (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G900FD (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G900FQ (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G900I (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G900K (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G900L (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G900M (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G900P (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G900R4 (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G900S (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G900T (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G900T1 (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G900V (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G900W8 (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)

support GT-S7582l (Direct unlock, repair imei/SN, flashing)
support GT-S7390l (Direct unlock, repair imei/SN, flashing)

p.s. note4 same certificate type list:
SM-N910U can be readed

all s5 listed here also can use same certificate.
Fixed: G355HN unlock, codereading.

Download here  Z3X Box Samsung Tool 18.3 
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