
Z3X Box Samsung Tool 18.8

Samsung Tool 18.8

Support and add models :
- support SM-T805W (flashing, direct unlock/repair, Read/Write CERT, read/write EFS)
- support SM-G3502C (flashing, Read/Write QNC, Wipe EFS, Write CERT, auto backup to tar)
- support SM-G3502I (flashing, Read/Write QNC, Wipe EFS, Write CERT, auto backup to tar)
- support SM-G3502L (flashing, Read/Write QNC, Wipe EFS, Write CERT, auto backup to tar)
- support SM-G3502T (flashing, Read/Write QNC, Wipe EFS, Write CERT, auto backup to tar)
- support SM-G3509I (flashing, Read/Write QNC, Wipe EFS, Write CERT, auto backup to tar)
- support SM-G350L (flashing, Read/Write QNC, Wipe EFS, Write CERT, auto backup to tar)

- support GT-S6293T (flashing, Unlock, Imei repair, Network repair, READ/WRITE cert)
- support SM-G130BT (flashing, Unlock, Imei repair, Network repair, READ/WRITE cert)
- support SM-G130U (flashing, Unlock, Imei repair, Network repair, READ/WRITE cert)
- support SM-C105 (flashing, Direct unlock/imei repair)

Addition support added:
- support SM-T705 (Read/Write CERT)
- support SM-T705M (Read/Write CERT)
- support SM-T705Y (Read/Write CERT)
- support SM-T805 (Read/Write CERT)
- support SM-T805M (Read/Write CERT)
- support SM-T805Y (Read/Write CERT)

Fixed: msl error3 on spd phones.

Download here  Z3X Box Samsung Tool 18.8 
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